Mon 4-5 Drama Kids: Intro to Theater

  • Chess
Sep 09 2024
Jan 31 2025
Class Fee

No session left

  1. Mon2:45 - 5:45 pm
  2. Tue 
  3. Wed 
  4. Thu 
  5. Fri 
  6. Sat 
  7. Sun 


Students will be archeologists on a treasure hunt one week and movie stars at the Oscars another week. Students will also create commercials for fun products and services. They will write and perform their own short plays in small groups to showcase at the end of the semester. Through the process, they will learn to develop interesting plots and characters, to negotiate and collaborate with team members, and to lead group discussions by taking turns at being the “Director for the Day.” While we continue to work on honing presentation skills, there will be greater emphasis on storytelling and characterization. There will be a semester-end performance. For any student who wants to be in the Spring Musical (1-hour long show), this is a great class to get a head start on preparing for the Musical. 

Class dates

09/09/2024, 09/16/2024, 09/23/2024, 09/30/2024, 10/07/2024, 10/21/2024, 10/28/2024, 11/04/2024, 11/18/2024, 11/25/2024, 12/02/2024, 12/09/2024, 12/16/2024, 12/23/2024, 01/06/2025, 01/13/2025, 01/27/2025


Participants must currently be in grades 4 to 5.

Program enrollment capacity

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 15

Registration period

Registration starts on 06/05/2024 and ends on 01/22/2025.

Registration closed.